Upon life's stage where shadows weave their play,
A fleeting waltz where mortals find their way...
In liberty's realm, we bear a cross of might,
Our skin, a testament to trials that tower high...
Devrais-je feindre l'ignorance pour cacher mes...
Ou devrais-je vraiment m'en soucier, incapable de...
If I proclaim my visage fair and true,
Who dares to counter what my lips declare...
The most efficient way to change your life
is by changing your life...
When Will We Wake Up?
I am So tire, Tire Of Racism...
In hallowed halls of learning's sacred light,
Where dreams doth take their winged and lofty...
Black is not evil, It's a Style so grand
A beauty that's been hidden from our sight...
That day, as though yesterday it lingers,
The school bell rang, yet sickness clutched my...
Now instead of getting your texts,
I'm sitting in bed With tears in my eyes...
O heart! Why must you lay your love so bare?
To share your heart and soul with one so dear...
You were my Neighbor for lots of Ages
You and I was inseparable...