Quotes by Christen Kuikoua

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  • My worth is unwavering, my purpose undeniable. No words, no opinions, no doubts can diminish the sacred essence within me. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, a testament to God's love and grace."

    11 months ago
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  • "I am a child of God, clothed in the divine image, handpicked and cherished by the Creator.

    11 months ago
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  • Raise sons with love, not heroes. In everyday kindness and standing for what’s right, they become heroes in your eyes.

    11 months ago
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  • Black is not a mere hue; it is a regal symbol of endurance, a crown we proudly bear upon our heads as a reminder of the indomitable pride and unyielding spirit that define our existence.

    11 months ago
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  • I embrace the honor of being called black, for within the ebony tapestry of my identity lies a crown of resilience, a testament to the majestic strength that resides within the human spirit.

    11 months ago
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  • Rather than yearning for ease, crave the wisdom to navigate the labyrinth of challenges, and in their conquering, unveil the profound artistry of life’s intricate design.

    11 months ago
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  • eschew the desire for simplicity, and set your sights on fortitude’s ascent. Embrace obstacles, for within them lie the seeds of boundless potential.

    11 months ago
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  • There is beauty in all of us, but it truly shines when we embrace our unique qualities and share them with the world. Trying to be someone else takes away authenticity, and what makes true beauty is the authenticity that radiates from within.

    11 months ago
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  • Find something about every day that can make you smile, sing a song of joy, smile to a stranger, say hi to someone with a frown, but most of all, spread kindness all around town.

    11 months ago
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  • Not defined by hues, nor land’s embrace, I stand before you, a human race. The cold winds blow, outside your gate, Open, brother, don’t discriminate. In unity, our strength takes flight, Let compassion be our guiding light.

    11 months ago
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