Ideals, if imposed, will cease to be them. |
Personality - a challenge to a passive person. |
The reasonability of a society is fruitful when the personality's conscience is free. |
The opportunity to live forever is not just a gift from the universe but also a struggle for it. |
It is a human duty to measure his happiness by the happiness of others. |
The inexhaustibility of a human's motivation for a meaningful life depends on one's love for a human. |
The meaning of life of a humankind is the integrity of its unity, enlightenment, and long-term stability for the sake of everyone's happiness. |
The most important property of a person – is his ability to consciously accept responsibility to his conscience for full-fledged self-realization and stubbornly strive for it. |
Realizing life is remarkable makes a person more open to accepting scientific knowledge about its origin. |
Life – is readiness for trials and ableness to overcome them. |