The well-being of a human of the future depends on his wisdom to make friends with the modern selfish human. |
Appropriate feelings and emotions are not only the main source of creative inspiration but also vital energy for a productive and happy life. |
Happiness is to notice in yourself, in your environment and, in general, in the life, the fullness of the manifestation of a person's dignities. |
Ideals are not for "run counter" to own sense by serving someone else's interests. |
Life is strong with humanity and beauty when full of love and knowledge. |
What is the highest and most valuable thing in a human? His humanity, that was formed in the process of self-development of Homo. |
World politics still retains its imperial essence but in other forms and means. |
The basic question of philosophy can be formulated as follows: "What are the criteria for a right life?" |
Intricate words often reveal complex meanings and develop the mind, but how to use them – that's another question. |
World politics still retains its imperial essence but in other forms and means. |