There once was an extravagant tree
Strong and tall with...
The wind whispers a song so exuberantly beautiful
As the moon and stars waltz within an ebony sky...
Words hover on trembling lips
While the heart yearns for a love...
Night cascades over the horizon,
Elegantly reclaiming its throne...
Her footsteps are already worn
Into the ground that leads away...
Gates of ivy and moss welcome me home
As I'm embraced by the loving tears of weeping...
Her eyes house the souls
Of those she has contained...
Irrefutable passion sweetens forbidden lips,
Ones I crave to feel dancing along my skin...
My shining star,
When the night is late...
She shrieks within the confines of the night,
Her hopes and dreams crushing, as if her bones...
I miss the conversations, I miss the feeling of being understood, |