How does one ignore
The urge to take her hand...
Words hover on trembling lips
While the heart yearns for a love...
She is like the northern lights -
Fluidly extravagant amongst chaotic beauty...
Rain caresses away the loneliness
Its droplets as soft as a lover's fingertips...
Embrace my soul as spring showers
Quench the thirst of budding life...
As night overtakes the sky,
She stares into the darkness...
A caged bird sings soft
Her lonesome call echoes through...
There once was an extravagant tree
Strong and tall with...
She sits alone amongst her thoughts,
Fingers absently directing pen across paper...
I wander throughout the forest of dreams
And come across a hidden clearing...
Gates of ivy and moss welcome me home
As I'm embraced by the loving tears of weeping...
Her eyes house the souls
Of those she has contained...