Poems by Synful

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  • Gates of ivy and moss welcome me home
    As I'm embraced by the loving tears of weeping...

  • Her eyes house the souls
    Of those she has contained...

  • Irrefutable passion sweetens forbidden lips,
    Ones I crave to feel dancing along my skin...

  • My shining star,
    When the night is late...

  • She shrieks within the confines of the night,
    Her hopes and dreams crushing, as if her bones...

  • Loving her is like reading a book.
    Each day that passes is a new adventure...

  • She fakes her smile for those she loves
    And quietly counts the minutes go by...

  • Darkness cascades down a chilled window
    As lantern light illuminates from within...

  • The ceiling mocks me in the darkness,
    Its fan slowly turning and pushing my thoughts...

  • Footsteps echo off
    Trees illuminated by an ethereal glow...

  • Her kiss tastes of heaven, and of hell.
    Brimstone colors her lips...

  • The thunderous pound
    Of feet running over ground...