In the realm where the winds do whisper, and...
The air is filled with tales untold, and dreams...
In a vibrant forest green and alive,
Two trails met under the radiant sky...
Amidst the chill of winter's parting sigh,
The first of daisies dare to dot the glade...
As winter's grip begins to fade,
And snow surrenders to the blade...
As winter's grasp begins to wane,
And snow gives way to gentle rain...
Whispers of a season anew,
When winter's reign is almost through...
In the quiet hush of winter's end,
Where snow once lay, now flowers ascend...
Whispering winds in the midst of dawn,
Break winter’s grip, its coldness gone...
When darkness clouds the soul,
A message of courage can bring us to our goal...
There's a road
There's a road...
Celebrate, O stars and sunbeams,
and all that glows in the brilliant sky...
The clouds gathered as I drew near,
Eager once more for your embrace...