A man, a force to be reckoned with,
A being of strength and will...
In a world of noise and haste,
I find solace in a quiet space...
In the depths of my mind,
A poem I wish to find...
Freedom, sweet freedom, a precious gift
Born of struggle, yet so swift...
The economy, a force unseen,
Yet felt in every day and dream...
In the stillness of the night
A whispering breeze takes flight...
For too long we've languished in fear,
Our dreams and hopes cast to the side...
Amidst the rustling leaves and gentle breeze,
The symphony of nature never seems to cease...
In days of yore, a time long past,
I found myself in a moment that would last...
She walks with grace and elegance,
Her every step a dance of joy...
Pain, my constant companion
You cling to me like a shadow...
A woman is a miracle of life,
A masterpiece, both strong and tender...