Poems by Shane

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  • Somedays just feel like
    the memory that escaped you...

  • You and I (4) 1

    The sun kissed a window-
    you told me when your eyes...

  • When the heart in my chest ceased to beat
    in rhythm, I expulsed it...

  • One day over lunch, you peeled my face like a...
    to taste its sweetness. You placed it over your...

  • As a child, I'd look at the sun
    Despite the cries of adults, claims that the...

  • The crows, once scattered, draw
    together on a canvas for your art...

  • To avoid dreams where I never sleep and that...
    like today which offered some advice about...

  • Getting home from school I greet the dog that...
    fill his bowl with water. He barks eagerly...

  • The rain captures the best of us
    Drops falling like worn masks...

  • The rain captures the best of us
    Old souls tired and dry and strung out for days...

  • More than your lips
    I want your hand...

  • And what of the gently touch of the wind?
    Your feel is more soft and cool...