Quotes by Red Tears Of The Soul

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  • "Love is not perfection of where you are, but transcendence of how far you've come or will be"

    16 years ago
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  • Don't confuse the simplicity of love with the complexity of yourself. Love is transcendence not perfection.

    16 years ago
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  • Time does not heal all wounds. It just makes you realize how deep they truly are.

    18 years ago
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  • I once told you that "I'll take all this pain and sorrow away from you", but it looks like I can't. So one day, I'll take you away from it all.

    A corny line I promised a dear friend of mine.

    19 years ago
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  • If we cried...
    then we have love in us and cry about it.
    but we can be so mean, then cry and lie about crying.

    what foolish creatures we are.

    nothing but tainted reflections of god and the devil.

    19 years ago
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  • "True love, a great and wonderful thing, was never meant for us lesser beings"

    19 years ago
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  • How come in the movies, someone can yell out "I love you!" to his/or her
    love one and everybody around would applaud and cheer. But when I do that, everyone just tells me to shut up and looks at me funny.

    19 years ago
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  • When you finally found the perfect person, you got to ask yourself "why isn't she/he taken?"

    19 years ago
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  • "sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words left the scar"

    19 years ago
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  • "for each momment we have, we are givin the chance to become better than what we are"

    20 years ago
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