Poems by don mohr

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  • The tall walls glisten with new paint in our new...
    with a touch of color in each room, this can be a...

  • Don't lay it on me like I was the
    only person in the room-you had...

  • We rested a short while, and looked
    for a beddown-we scurried like...

  • Have an urge to find something to
    eat in the kitchen, but can't find...

  • She knelt by the bed and said a
    prayer, to herself-something she...

  • A newly built wall with a fresh coat
    of paint, and dried boogers...

  • 1947 (1)

    It was a year of a new disaster-and
    an incredible find...

  • I feel you upon me in the still
    darkness-a tender kiss, then...

  • It often is dismissed as a strange
    or unnatural occurence, but nature...

  • They came here to lend a hand-
    and with our powerful electronic...

  • I wanted, she said, for the sun to
    rise upon our shoulders...

  • Oh Father as I called upon His name;He has come to...