Quotes by Megan

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  • U told me u weren't like those other guys,
    But all u told me was a bunch of lies,
    And now all I can do is sit and cry,
    Then u wanna ask me y I don't trust guys,
    I think u should already kno y.....

    20 years ago
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  • *::* If you truly loved her, you wouldn't find yourself constantly dialing my number and trying to spend your time with me *::*

    20 years ago
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  • I think I've just come to realize that losing you was hard, but not even seeing it coming was even harder, to have to let go of you without warning is what really is tearing me up inside, can't we just start over?¿?

    20 years ago
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  • You can't start a new relationship with someone when you haven't learned to let go of the one you had before.

    20 years ago
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  • No matter how hard you try, you can't give your heart to someone else when your old love still has it; if you can't let go of him, you can't move on to someone new

    20 years ago
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  • All I want is for him to love and care for me the way I do for him..I just want to be happy with him..I just want "us" back.. I want to feel what I felt when I had him...I want to feel loved by him..and I want to make him happy...

    20 years ago
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  • My heart was so full of joy when I had u.
    My heart was so full of pain when I lost u.
    But the worst feeling yet is learning to realize ur never coming back.

    20 years ago
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  • I can't let go of you when you haven't let go of me.
    Yeah I know you've moved on, but how am I supposed to do that when you still call and lead me on the way you do.
    You may have said its over, but until you let me go, I can't move on.

    20 years ago
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  • Its time to close my eyes & let u go, look to the future & whatever it may hold. I gotta find sum1 new that will care & b tru

    20 years ago
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  • When I was down,
    and my heart was shattered,
    You picked me up,
    Now you're all that matters!

    20 years ago
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