Liquified Promises
Flushed Down The Drain...
Butterfly Tears
Melt Upon Her Face...
Daddy Never Calls
He Doesn't Support The Family...
The Razor Grew Cold
Cold And Raw As Ice...
Breast Cancer Overtakes You
No Time To Be a Woman Or Wife...
They Say Because Your Black Your Poison To My Life
But Your All I Think About Everyday And Night...
Have You Ever Been Around So Many People And Felt...
As If You Weren't Even There But Your Body Were a...
The Stars Kissed My Sorrow
Agony Did Bloom...
I In-vision An Angel
Dwelling In My Dreams...
Fracturing My Tortured Soul
With Lies She Dared To Speak...
Heavily Medicated
In Hopes Of My Suppress...
Golden Rays
Of Heartaches Emerald Gallows...