Poems by SplitSided

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  • I sat here and figured out what i loved the most.
    And i sat here and held it close...

  • The feeling...Burning.
    My stomach...Turning...

  • She sits inside and watches the rain.
    She\'s the only one that can ease my pain...

  • From here i watch you cry to my memory.
    I wish you could see me...

  • None of you believe in me.
    And from time to time my dreams were hard to see...

  • Sometimes the anwser is right in front of you.
    It doesn't stick out in the blue...

  • Take away my eyes.
    I'm tired of seeing my life...

  • Do you think you can understand how i feel?
    Do you think you could tell me this isn't real...

  • I wrap my arms around you.
    The same way that i used to...

  • It was from all the choice's i made.
    That left you to feel betrayed...

  • Call me crazy.
    But when i think of you i get hazy...

  • Something that i wish would last.
    But now is a thing of the past...