Poems by SplitSided

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  • My soul inhaled when your breathed.
    My heart broken while my anger seethed...

  • Everything that i have ever done.
    Has been for you because your number one...

  • You act like I'm not there.
    You act like I don't care...

  • I walk around without anything to lose.
    Starten something with whoever i choose...

  • They say that there is a relation between love and...
    But for me that raise's one question...

  • I see you everyday.
    Still i don't know what to say...

  • I face problems all the time.
    But these problems aren't yours their mine...

  • Where were you?
    When i needed you...

  • I've got a question that you can't answer.
    But this is a question for my raindancer...

  • You look down on me like I was a kid.
    But I've done more then you ever did...

  • I loved you so much when I was a kid.
    I always forgave you no matter what you did...

  • I have made a mistake that I can't take back.
    Now I live in a world that has faded to black...