Quotes by «_ĀÐdï©+ïØñ¯»

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  • To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better. But I do have arms to give you a hug. I have ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about. And I have a heart - A heart that is aching to see you smile again...

    20 years ago
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  • Eventually ull learn the difference between holding a hand & falling in love ull begin to learn that kissez wont always mean sumthin promises will be broken just as quickly as they were made & sumtimes goodbyes really are -forever-

    20 years ago
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  • Let me ruin your life, let me break your
    heart, then I'll ask you why we can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends...

    19 years ago
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  • Why do I always put up with everything u do? u hurt me so much, yet I still luv u. It ticks me off when I think it thru but then I realize it doesn't matter, I'll always fall for u. But I feel u are special and I just can't stop luv'n u

    19 years ago
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  • I FiNaLLy DrAnK aWaY tHe PaiN, BuT i CoULd NeVeR DriNk EnUf To DriNk AwAY ThE mEMoRieS

    19 years ago
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  • "iF aLL GoOdByE'z LeAd 2 hEaRtBrEaK.. tHeN wUt gOoD iS iN GoOdByE?"

    19 years ago
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  • ..:: ThE sMiLe iN YoUr eyEs, MaDe SoMe Of ThE LiEs WoRtH BeLieVinG ::..

    19 years ago
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  • ..:: I don't want you to love me, but i know that i'm better for you than her ::..

    19 years ago
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  • I`ve learnD [alOt] ova da months
    thru fake smiLes n unseen tears
    [friends] sUmtimes Rnt 4eva
    that [lOve] don`t alwais last
    happi memories [stay] wit u
    thOse mOments gO by [fast]
    sO enjOy tha things that gO On nOw
    cus tha goOd [shit] nevR lasts

    19 years ago
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  • U turn me down 4 HER because you
    say she'z so PRETTY n she'z so POPULAR
    but 4 all it'z worth, i'm lookin at her right
    now n i've NEVER seen any1 UGLIER

    19 years ago
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