The stars, silvery orbs suspended beneath the...
Distant spheres of fire reflecting in the eye...
If I told you I loved you, would I see a smile a...
Do you feel these passionate feelings like I do...
A waterfall cascades down the sheer drop mountain
Shadowy water a constant fiery fountain...
Whispers in my ear each voice speaks at the same...
No one else can hear them, they are all mine...
Why not do what you want to
Be merry and free...
Picture away the hurt that stirs within your heart
Let yourself go, come somewhere with me...
Dad, why did you just kick me? can't you see my...
"Shut up you little fool, or I'll kick you...
I cannot explain just how I am feeling
Mixed up words more pain concealing...
Kill me please, I'm begging for a release from all...
I am so alone, searching for your arms, your kiss...
Stalk around behind someone who you think is...
Taunting, laughing, getting inside their head...
Laughter followed Jane deep into the night
Filled with malice, the sound filled her with...
Destroy the bonds that keep me breathing
I no longer what to feel so down, like this...