While i drive on this road to nowhere
by myself...
I'm still here
in the place where we both were...
Now we're back to this.
I'm sitting at the table with you. It's been a...
So here you are.
In front of my face...
You're standing there, and I'm staring at you...
You're staring at me and we aren't exchanging any...
Its fun to think of running into you.
down at the grocery store...
I want to travel the world
from the bay to Tahiti...
To think of all those times i had ignored
the facts that was right in front of my face...
Walk into the bathroom
with your feet touching...
Room is empty
with a tint of grayish green lighting...
Is it wrong to try to open up
that box of the past...
Years have gone by
and i have gone through almost...