Welcome to Heads Up Hospital
Where every soul inside is content...
Learned to say that this is the beginning of this...
because goodbye never actually means they're gone...
Hovering over your head
while you try to get some sleep...
Our end is here,
and the love ceases to live...
Written in the late night of wake
as I toss and turn on that couch...
Images of you running through my head,
haunting me in my mid sleep...
It's been a while since ive come to this keyboard
And wrote lines, verses, whatever you may call it...
Falling, falling, falling.
falling deep down into the abyss...
I remember the days
where I fell so hard and fast...
I find myself moving on,
little bit by bit...
Don't tell me that my poems suck.
I know I'm not you...
Random scenario
random people...