miss scooby

About miss scooby

A little about me?
Well for being on this earth for a very short period of time i have endured more pain then happiness but i do not dwell on the hurt but rather fight for my happiness. I am a small town canadian girl struggling to make it in the world i am a bartender saving one drunk at a time.

I laugh, i love, but most importantly i live.... I am currently single and i am liking it that way. i need to find out who i really am before i can let anyone else. I am as independant as they come i work hard for everything i have and i damn well show it.

two things that annoy me are people who whine and people who think their lives are completely ruined. we all were put here for a reason and the sooner those accept it rather than question it buck up and man-up to the cards they were dealt the sooner they will find things are roll smoother. i have endured much pain but i have overcome the darkness i fell victim too and lived beyond the expections for myself as well as other have had for me.

my likes are simple yet subtle; writing, poetry, journalism, anything pink, shopping, singing, basketball, bartending, working, ethnic food, reading, basically living.

To those who know me. I have a deep respect for you because you have given me knowlegde beyond reason. You pushed me one way when i was headed the other. you heard my tears, seen pain and from the absolute bottom of my heart i thank each and everyone of you because know matter what i went threw you were there.

lots of love

Profile of miss scooby

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Canada
  • Joined : Oct 20, 2004
  • Last Visit : 20 years ago
  • Poems : 1
  • Comments : 148
  • Quotes : 5
  • Posts : 632
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By miss scooby

Latest Quotes By miss scooby

  • I always thought getting older meant getting wiser, but it does not matter the age but simply the experience. To be wise does not come by age but merely mistakes learned and advice passed on....not to mention a few grey hairs

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • Your mind, your soul, your inner beauty will devote yourself to a higher and stronger power within your soul to acheive the impossible. srtive for not success but inner strength and your success with surely follow!

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • Never fall a victim to society and it's image that holds in every womens mind, be yourself, and accept the many gifts you were blessed with even if you do have a few extra!

    20 years ago
    0 0

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