When I think about the times we had,
From the good to the bad...
What is this feeling i feel inside?
This suffocating feeling that just wont let me...
If I haven't told you lately
because of my pride...
Hes out going and cute like an adventurous puppy,
That laughs all day in play...
I know what we had wasn't great before,
But I wan to show my love for you...
"Tears are Unspoken Words" |
" FoR EvErY bEgInNiNg, ThErE iS a EnDiNg, FoR eVeRy EnDiNg ThErE iS a BeGiNnInG" |
"tHeY mAy HaVe BrOkEn YoUr BODy BuT kNoW tHiS, tHeY cAn NeVeR bReAk YoUr SpIrT eVen If YoU tHiNk ThEy HaVe" |