Poems by Brittany

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  • I look at my life,
    and the way things have come to be...

  • Lying awake.
    Listening to the beat of my heart...

  • If I could taste the kiss of your sweet lips,
    Or touch you tenderly with my finger tips...

  • With eyes so deep i am drowning,
    i cant breathe...

  • Its hard to ignore the pain i feel,
    for every word they say...

  • I loved you so much,
    with my whole heart, mind, and soul...

  • You told me you would try harder,
    And that things would turn out right...

  • I feel so lost.
    Confusion surrounds me...

  • To love is to give your heart away,
    and hope for the best to come...

  • Another day has passed,
    yet i think of you still...