Quotes by Megin

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  • * to LOVE is to LOSE * so if your willing to lose something you love, then love it with everything you have. if your not willing to lose it then don't love at all!

    19 years ago
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  • U know ur in love when the only thing u feel is his touch, the only thing u hear is his whisper, and the only thing u see is his eyes stairing back in yours....

    19 years ago
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  • Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it dont take much to throw them back..so if someone says some hurtfull words just give them a nice wack!

    19 years ago
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  • * 3v3n though i look happy..i am crying d33p insid3..b3cau3 3v3rytim3 i s33 you with h3r it mak3s m3 want to di3 *

    20 years ago
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  • * N3v3r T3Ll M3 yOu LoV3 m3 iF iT iSn'T r3aLlY tH3r3, N3v3r t3lL m3 YoU lOv3 M3 iF yOu Do Not R3aLlY cAr3 *

    20 years ago
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