Quotes by CareBear

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  • &. I find myself sitting here with that silly, 'I love you' grin on my face.

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • &. Your ex still calls constantly,
    She doesn't understand,
    You'd think that she'd get to me,
    But you ignore it & promise you have everything you want.

    I hope you're telling me the truth.

    13 years ago
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  • I didn't think this through,
    It's going to be the hardest thing
    I've ever had to do,
    But baby, that doesn't mean I'll change my mind.

    13 years ago
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  • ;; Tell Me, Is it Normal for my Heart to ache Every Second you're not here to Hold me? Should I crave to be Near you every Minute of the day?


    13 years ago
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  • You May Not be Perfect baby,
    But you sure are to me. <3

    13 years ago
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  • I don't want to change you,
    I fell for the person you are,
    I want you to see how truly amazing you are,
    I want you to see the man you can be.

    14 years ago
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  • &. I don't know how we got here so quickly,
    I look back to see all the signs,
    But you're now mine, and I, yours.
    Angel, that's all the matters today.

    14 years ago
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  • Baby, You call me your Queen,
    You say you're going to get it all together,
    You're going to prove them all wrong,
    &. all I do is pray you succeed.

    Because I want you to prove me right.
    I believe in you, baby. <3

    14 years ago
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  • &. There's something Missing when you're not here, I feel lost and surrounded, drowning in thoughts & memories.

    I miss you too much when you're gone.

    14 years ago
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  • Your face is all I see when I close my eyes,
    Your laughter is all I hear in my dreams,
    Your kisses are all I taste from here on in.


    14 years ago
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