While you were so tangled up
in your own webs of cheer...
Mutilated wrists from the power of blade,
suicide failure in gratitude of Christ's aid...
** before you read this poem, it's about a girl...
I tried so long to save you...
The Strongest Hearts
Sometimes Fall Short...
Counting every tear that
falls from my bathetic eyes...
My walls are being rebuilt tonight,
I'm constructing them as we speak...
"Lonely within my infinite tears
of numerous, scattered shards...
Can I tell you a secret
--one that no one knows...
Drowning Myself In A Sea Of Depression,
Oceans of Self - Doubt With A Misguided...
--my opinion based poem on my beliefs of...
Churches on numerous streets...
I'm observing the actions,
so much is taking place...
Losing Strength,
Mind Blown...