Poems by Tarikins

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  • I sit in the darkness of my room
    I wander through the darkness of my mind...

  • Pain takes over my body like a wave
    As I stand beside my grave...

  • The rain reminds me of all the tears I've shed
    Falling down, collecting in a puddle beneath my...

  • Suffer (1)

    * Also on one of my other accounts.
    I pulled off your wings and watched you suffer...

  • Would you care if I was gone
    I've been in pain for far too long...

  • The note was stained with the tears I've shed
    The note was stained with the blood I've bled...

  • Every time I try and get you off my mind
    I break down and cry cuz of you...

  • Plagues set on this Earth to remove a single...
    The single mistake which made this world burn and...

  • I've tried to stop pain from finding you
    I've walked on glass just to get to you...

  • You left me alone
    I have had to save myself...

  • On the stone words are carved;
    The words of the ancients of our time...

  • The stars shine down upon us
    Giving us strength to go on...