-I may not get to see you as often as I'd like- |
I'Ve FiNaLLY ReALiZeD uR mY tRuE LoVe |
*im sorry with all my heart, so please stop tearing us a part, your my life, my love, and my angel from above* |
I dont know how u can *love* me as much as u do when u dont undersand me are even have a *clue*! |
HoW CaN I MaKe U UnDeRsTaNd WiThOuT |
HoW CaN GuYs JuSt SiT ThErE AnD WaTch GIrlS Get HuRt?! |
WhAt Do U Do wHen U GiVe Up EvEryTHinG fOr Him AnD ThEn He GiVes Up On U?! |
*Letting go of someone dear to you is hard but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you're weak. It only means you're strong enough to let go* |
*I know if I keep my distance, you'll see what your missing * |
(U)why is it always about the sex to men?: |