Poems by sarah jenkins

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  • I'm tired of trying to move on,
    I just can't do it anymore...

  • Your heart is like an empty can,
    And she is the tab on top...

  • I hear people screaming around me,
    But theres nothing i can do...

  • I Need (8)

    I need to feel,
    I need to be...

  • Is my hair the perfect color,
    Are my nails done right...

  • I hate this pain inside,
    It makes me tremble so...

  • This world crumbles around me,
    As I fall to my knees...

  • Lurking in the dark, all around this run down...
    Is a light flickering with hope, going at it's own...

  • This dark room enclosed around me,
    Yet all I can see is light...

  • Smiles tell a feeling,
    They tell your every desire...

  • Blackness swirls in my mind,
    Everything to me, has gone dark...

  • Writing helps me take,
    My mind off of you...