Poems by aDORKable x3

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  • You told me this morning you're leaving me -
    That there was nothing that I could do...

  • It was the last dance of Senior year -
    The air was spiked with hidden fear...

  • I just want to sleep
    In my nice comfy bed...

  • What am I
    Supposed to do...

  • [Chorus]
    She smears her face with lipgloss and black...

  • Listen to your heart, and follow it through
    Do what it tells you; don`t think it`s untrue...

  • Just a little love note
    Written from my heart...

  • A teardrop slides down her wet cheek;
    There is no way she is accepting she's weak...

  • Contest Write :]
    I regret my mistake more and more each day...

  • Lost (4)

    Lost are the days when innocence reigned
    Lost are the times when kisses healed the pain...

  • Butterflies flutter
    Your stomach, disrupted...

  • Love is a sweet thing
    It comes at you fast...