Lovers romance in a game filled with over dramatic...
"That day will never come..." they all...
If there was heartbreak in the middle of the night...
When I close my eyes ill see your face, I can...
Can you see the pain in my eyes,
the regrets threw my laugh...
sitting in the rain, trembling thoughts rushing...
Feeling like a wave crashed on to you breaking...
wanting a little compassion, emotion, love! thats...
I'm breaking inside slowly and unnoticeable, get...
he's broken promises. all these lies. i don't need...
He left me with a smile,
i know hes with me...
Sitting here in the dark, wanting and wishing for...
a family that loves, and cares...
Left me shaking, left me able to feel you. left me...
i dream and want you by my side. your smile your...
While the rain dripped
my tears fell as i wished,dreamed fantasized for...
As i stand outside in the rain alone i think and i...
to have the touch of his hands against my head...