Poems by ripcs420

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  • She

    Shes cutting again know one knows why, but i know...

  • You are my angel
    the light of my day...

  • Today I found a friend
    Who knew everything I felt...

  • In memory of a friend her life she put to an end...
    For Candace Smith Sept.15,1989-Feb. 12,2004 R.I.P...

  • Hide (1)

    No one knows how she feels. She always keeps it...

  • Smile (1)

    My tears can't wash away the pain i bear,
    just by knowing you are no longer there...

  • Loss 2 (1)

    There she lay as quite as a mouse her eyes clsoed...
    She looks as though shes sleeping but you know...

  • Loss (1)

    I sit with my friends, then someone walks in. She...
    This Poem is for Candace Smith who took her life...

  • I'll tell you if you want to know. Your going to...
    The blade is my friend, the only one I can turn...

  • Pain (1)

    My heart aches and then it fades.
    I pray to see you once again my life will never be...