Quotes by Cheyanne

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  • Seriouzly every time i talk to you,i think to myzelf of how i wuld live if you wernt there,i dont know if i can handle it if i hadnt of met you..i even like,have thoughts of me and you together,cuz thats how badly i want to be there with you

    19 years ago
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  • I want to be there so bad it hurts. oh when you're gone sometimes that seems to be the time I fall in love again with you. Every day it's renewed and rediscovered. I find more things I love about you every second I'm not there.

    19 years ago
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  • If you were to make one wish, just one wish, what would that be?

    to be there with you, to hold you in my arms and tell you how much i love you, but not only to tell you, but to show you how much i love you
    -Question by me, answer by Auliya

    19 years ago
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  • I just want to be next to you,I'd look deep within your eyes and see your beautiful soul.With all the love you have for me I see when I look into them.I'd push a little of your hair back with my hand and smile.Then kiss you on your sweet lovable lips.

    19 years ago
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  • In the ups and downs in my day you were definitly one major up. The thought of you always puts a big smile on my face.

    19 years ago
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  • Every time i talk to you, i get this feeling in my stomach, like i want to talk to you forever and i dont want you to go...

    -Auliya Giddings

    19 years ago
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  • Juzt to be with you, to look into your eyes and say how much we love each other, so we can old eachother in our arms, i mean, that'z the best thing you can ever do to someone you love this much

    -Auliya Giddings

    19 years ago
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  • In my deepest dreams
    I never thought I could feel this close to anyone or be this happy.
    Love like ours makes the whole world
    seem beautiful and new.

    19 years ago
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  • True poets don't write
    their thoughts with a pen...
    they release the ink that flows
    from within their heart.

    19 years ago
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  • If I give you a dozen roses in symbol of my love, they will eventually wilt. But my true love for you is forever and will never die or wither away.

    19 years ago
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