Quotes by Cheyanne

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  • Even though I can hardly speak when you look at me in that cute way you do...I can still say I love you.

    19 years ago
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  • You might not understand exactly the words I say when I talk to you 'cause you just get me so tongue tied but I hope my love for you is understanding enough.

    19 years ago
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  • I knew you were just so amazingly beautiful even before I ever saw you...because with someone like you...your beauty would have to match your heart.

    19 years ago
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  • True love is like fine wine...it's just one of those things that gets sweeter with time.

    19 years ago
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  • It's that time when you try though you are speachless, it's then that you can truely express yourself. When you're speachless I believe that's when no words are left over...just your deepest thoughts and feelings.

    19 years ago
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