Quotes by Shaina Ahenger

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  • This feeling of emptineess is overwhelming and only when I'm with you, it seems to fade away.. and then you have to leave, and the moment I'm not with you.. the feeling of emptiness is more torture than before...

    18 years ago
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  • "Why not go through life happy, or even with a positive outlook on life? I'm not sure of the answer, but it's better than making you're own life miserable, while blaming others for you're unhappiness."

    19 years ago
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  • I wonder what everyone would think or say, if I just ran away... left no message or said good-bye. Just to leave unexpectedly and never return..... would anyone look for me? or even go after me? would I be missed? Or would it just be a mistake?

    20 years ago
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  • This feeling comes and goes only when I'm with you. The twirling feeling in my stomach, like a rollercoaster.. I still feel it all the time in your arms.

    It doesn't fade, just like the smile you wear, its always on my mind...

    20 years ago
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  • "If I died tommorrow, would you be there to wipe the tears that were left on this broken heart? Would you see my soul leave this aimlessly wandering body of mine? Without saying good-bye, would you even care?"

    20 years ago
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  • I need help, but everyone I could turn to, just wouldn't understand...

    20 years ago
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  • Friends that betray you, were never your friends to begin with. So don't be wasting your time trying to find something that never existed.

    20 years ago
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  • I don't understand our friendship, but somehow, I know it makes sense.

    20 years ago
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  • Why do you change the person you are for others? It's not worth it. You may make friends, but the person you truly were, could stay lost forever...

    20 years ago
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  • I'm not sure to give in just yet,
    I'm not ready to get hurt again, though I believe that you won't do that to me, it just feels so right, but that's what I thought last time...

    20 years ago
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