Poems by Cindushik

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  • You were my one and only,
    Always will be,You made me see the happiness deep...

  • Little by little, I am fading away,
    My life is fading each and everyday...

  • Change (1)

    I know were getting older,
    but things don't have to change...

  • What i hoped wouldn't happen, has just came...

  • Forever I love you,
    Forever I care...

  • Everything i try,
    to make it better...

  • (THis is more of a....im not sure but is not a...
    Everyone thinks that there best friend is going to...

  • I was afraid to like you,
    I was afraid to admit it...

  • If I Died Tommorow...Would You Care?
    If I Vanished..Would you Notice...

  • The UnSpoken truth, remains unspoken.The...
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  • Pain is pain,
    while haters hate...

  • I see you, you see me,
    I wonder if it could ever be just us 2, No one...