"First Snow" appropriately from the...
Cold waft drifts, entering through an open window...
Fox-prints in the snow,
Leading towards the dark...
Underneath the seasons, above the vulgar
Grass, mud and turf that tender bat and ball...
Petals of snow gracefully tumbling before my eyes
Which tree will you adorn with your beauty...
Draw lines across my body with those hands,
Taste the want, the desire, see it...
I will not dance, when the hall is clear
The speckled disco ball as it dangles...
No apology sweeter than press of warm lips,
Candid, silent words for the moon to witness...
Make love to mozart, the smouldering warmth
Let the rapture of violins consume your soul...
Teardrop breasts, sloped back and Damocles lips
Faint hips, crafted shoulders and painted blue...
Sleepless nights, sleepless nights please go
Tired of missing you and tired of being alone...
Beauty, Beauty
beautiful enchantress...
Whose hearts filled with dust and sand,
Writhe upon the black shores that shimmer...