Took the longest quiet walk out in the...
It was early january and the sun was softly...
Would it bother you If I kissed you
Why, would you want to stop me...
They can escape the darkness,
They can escape the darkness...
It takes control, as
Quietly it sneaks in...
My pen pushed to this page,
As my hand pressed to yours...
The brown haired girl gave me a look, the irish...
We searched for paths with tree roofs, and floors...
That love is temporary is a blatant lie,
Because here I am, staring at this picture of you...
When we met light shone through me, you touched my...
That you thought I had something deep inside of...
To have the earth tremble below my feet,
Deftly chasing the currents of air...
I wondered as the plane was touching down,
About what happened last Friday...
I don’t want to have that nightmare again,
Me standing in the same room as you and him...
Find the reasons
To be rejected...