Poems by Steevens

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  • When there's nothing left but you and the Savior,
    What will you say...

  • One more song and I'm done with this lie.
    I'm not artist, that requires beauty...

  • What is truth?
    Truth is life and life is love...

  • You're everything I'm looking for.
    Is that what you want to hear...

  • Scatter-brained ideas that no one's ever thought...
    Why must we always go through this war...

  • Simple silence speaking volumes to my eyes
    Seeing every note, hearing every lame disguise...

  • What is one to do
    When the world's just shades of blue...

  • Shiver from the cold in my broken heart.
    Internal fights, sleepless nights, where do I...

  • A letter came for you today
    In a language you can't read...

  • You gotta have strength to be weak
    And you gotta have weakness to be strong...

  • Each night I come back, to the same bar stool,
    To see who'll be the next, to be a table 6 fool...

  • Hear the beating of a lonely heart and
    Feel the pain of a love departed...