I haVe tHis |||HUGE||| e m p T y (hOle) insiDe mE, aNd I kEep w.a.I.t.i.n.g. For tHe [onE peRson] wHo !!wOn't!! Fill iT! |
It don't matter how much time has passed, I still try to tell myself that I'm over you, when the truth is, no matter what I do...IM NOT!!! |
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. |
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. |
Because of you my world as fallen, my heart broken, and all Im left with is that what ifs, the whys, and the memories of all the lies, thanks! |
I think to myself, could he really of forgetten so easily, or did he really not care about me at all, because all I know is my hearts broken in pieces on the floor, and hes completely fine!! |
Because of you my world as fallen, my heart broken, and all Im left with is that what ifs, the whys, and the memories of all the lies, thanks! |
&& know that everything you do, I'd do it for you!! |
"My heart is closed, there's no more vacancy, and it's all thanks to my horrible guy history!" |
"My heart is closed, there's no more vacancy, and it's all thanks to my horrible guy history!" |