*I just want my parnter in crime back..is that too much to ask?* |
*now i lay me down to sleep |
I remember those 4 words *i dont like her* |
They say love comes from the heart,...i guess i*ll never love again because you broke my heart and shattered it into 1000 pieces. |
It's really upsetting when a person knows how much you like them and they go on with their lives acting as if its a big joke or they don't know. |
I like you as much as you like her yet you'll never know |
What do you do when you don*t know what to do? :'-( |
I don't know which is worse...telling him i like him and knowing he don't like me or keeping my feelings inside and not knowing. |
My feelings are all mixed up inside..part of me wants to like you but part of me wants to hate you. |
I smile when your screen name pops up...wishing you'd talk to me but sure at that instant you ask me for HER number...with every tear falling from my eyes rolling down my cheek i gave it to you wondering why i never get what i want. |