Poems by Poncho Pandapants

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  • Living in a dark world of hurt and lies
    Deep below all our dreams you once wish were true...

  • The sun sets
    The stars come out...

  • What do you want from me
    Want me to tell you a lie...

  • You seem to have won
    You're happy, while I'm sad...

  • I try to breathe
    But won't let me be...

  • From the time it all started I tried to let you in
    But I couldn't tell you...

  • I'm not going to be okay
    I wanted you to understand...

  • It's my fault for all of this
    You left, and your never going to come back...

  • How does it seem like everyone is lying
    Everything is one big lie...

  • Looking up at the stars
    I see the gleaming light...

  • Something like an earthquake, almost like a wave
    Curiosity tugs at you, something you crave...

  • Look into the night sky
    Look at the stars, so beautiful...