You could look at her
And never really see...
Red bleeds into the canvas' pale background.
Black stains the painting's melancholy...
Ink bled from her pen, her pain transformed into...
She filled her diary with her emotions...
Memories fade into the distant past,
As her feet pound the warm asphalt...
I hear shooting in the distance
Are they coming to save me...
Silence reigns in the street, abandoned.
Darkness envelops its arms around the city...
Rehearsing her lines once more, she heads for the...
Once the curtains open, she becomes the character...
Looking into the house, its windows shielding the...
Curtains pulled across them, sealing its reality...
Silence reigns in the playground.
Her flashlight pierces the darkness...
Look at the girl in the picture,
Exposed for every one person's eyes...
The night you came home,
Smile plastered on your face...
I watch as the kite dances in the wind.
It's redness contrasts with the sky...