Poems by Fighter (Ariane L.)

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  • Tears well in my eyes as I try to restrain myself...
    My lips quiver as the anger pulses through my...

  • Green mountains rise in the distance.
    Trees dance to the breeze's soft rhythmn...

  • Lost in thought, I'm unaware of everyone.
    They all ask what's wrong...

  • Memories rush by,
    Bringing tears to my eyes...

  • The picture frames my parents,
    Smiling; not a worry on their mind...

  • The night you came home,
    Smile plastered on your face...

  • Burnt remains of pictures surround me;
    Seperated from the past, torn...

  • I stand in the glass wall, peering at loved ones.
    I watch them as they sit, stuck in their world...

  • Before I started taking the pills,
    He was always by my side...

  • As I look back,
    I can't help but wonder...

  • Dear Diary,
    Confusion and guilt creep upon me...

  • Screaming in the night, a demonic tourmented soul.
    His anger against the world becomes...