Quotes by Susan

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  • ~ L . o . V . e ~ :
    its [ h a r d ] to find... but [ e a s y ] to lose
    makes you feel [ g o o d ]... but hurts so [ b a d ]
    [ o p e n s ] your eyes... but makes you [ b l i n d ]
    [ f i l l s ] your heart... and [ t e a r s ] it apart

    20 years ago
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  • ...he asked me, what was more important...
    him, or my life?
    i said, "my life" and he walked away forever...
    not knowing, he WAS my life.

    20 years ago
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  • U caMe in2 my LiFe~
    SeNt fr0m heaVen
    nOw iM thiNkin bout yOu
    t w e n t y || 4 || s e v e n

    20 years ago
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  • Life is full of different thingS
    It's full of hope and sorroW
    The things you choose to do todaY
    Could affect your life tomorroW
    Life is full of decisionS
    So be careful what you choosE
    Cuz life is yours to cherisH
    But it's also yours to losE

    20 years ago
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  • SmiLez :) and Tears :(
    *GiggLez* and *Laffz*
    LaTe niGht foNe caLLz
    + cute pHotograPhs
    all da mem0riez
    we cant thr0w away
    beStfri3ndz 4eva
    is how it'z gonna sTay

    dedicated to my best friend Kaylee
    *BFF KAYLEE!!* love u babe

    20 years ago
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  • I wanted to tell you i loved you
    but i was afraid you would laugh...
    -N- if you laughed at what i said
    my h e a r t would break in half

    20 years ago
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  • DUz he luv me,
    oR duz he not?
    i CanT takE it
    my miNd woNt stOp
    thiNkin aboUt
    hoW he FeeLz 4 me
    shOuld i stay
    or ShOuld i Leave?

    20 years ago
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  • ~ Love iS rare . Life iS strange . Nothing laSts . and People chaNge ~

    20 years ago
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  • .::.s0metimeZ i wiSh i couLd juSs preSs faStforward 2 see if itz all w0rth it .::.

    20 years ago
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  • N0body carez 4 yo0h
    nob0dy fightz 4 y0oh
    nobodY missez yo0h
    n0body likez y0oh
    nob0dy lovez yo0h
    let me tell u my name:
    i'm [ N o B o D y... ]

    20 years ago
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