~ Love iS rare . Life iS strange . Nothing laSts . and People chaNge ~
20 years ago
DUz he luv me,
oR duz he not?
i CanT takE it
my miNd woNt stOp
thiNkin aboUt
hoW he FeeLz 4 me
shOuld i stay
or ShOuld i Leave?
20 years ago
I wanted to tell you i loved you
but i was afraid you would laugh...
-N- if you laughed at what i said
my h e a r t would break in half
20 years ago
SmiLez :) and Tears :(
*GiggLez* and *Laffz*
LaTe niGht foNe caLLz
+ cute pHotograPhs
all da mem0riez
we cant thr0w away
beStfri3ndz 4eva
is how it'z gonna sTay
dedicated to my best friend Kaylee
*BFF KAYLEE!!* love u babe
20 years ago
Your priceless like a rare jewel
your perfect like a dream come true