Poems by Mark Hopwood

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  • When I look in the mirror
    All i see is a stranger...

  • Tea

    When the day is dead and time is long
    I do a cup of tea to help me along...

  • I've been able to see myself
    Since you went away...

  • I remember long ago, when dreams were rife
    When i was younger and still had a life...

  • It's best we try not to worry
    Because worrying wont sort us out...

  • When I go walking around this place of mine
    People are talking but only in my mind...

  • When you have no future
    You have to live in the past...

  • As I look into the deepest corners of my mind
    All I find is pain and lies...

  • The road flys by
    As i look through the window...

  • People say I'm lazy, but to me I'm just mellow
    People say I'm crazy, sometimes I agree...

  • Mirror Mirror Behind my wall
    Who will catch me when I fall...

  • When I think of heaven
    I always see you...