
About BeeBeeGun

Im one of your average Australian girls living life to the full
I enjoy writing poetry, I swim and play badminton

I love my friendz they are the best...I couldnt live without them

Most of my poems come from my heart...going towards certain people
Some of them are just things I have thrown together

Hope you all enjoy reading my poems
Please drop by any time leave a comment or send me a message
I will always reply and return comments

Everyone on this site deserves to be here
everyone has talent
even if you cant see it
its still there...

Well catcha allz sooner or laterz
Bye from the one and only =>----

Profile of BeeBeeGun

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Australia
  • Joined : Dec 18, 2004
  • Last Visit : 19 years ago
  • Poems : 26
  • Comments : 131
  • Quotes : 4
  • Posts : 65
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By BeeBeeGun

Latest Quotes By BeeBeeGun

  • Smart twirl
    Shaking ass...Best class
    baby of fire...your desire..
    sexy smile...worth your while
    laid back...cant handle that
    care free...look and see
    im where im at... im who i be

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • Just wanted to let everyone know that I deleted all my poems...except for likr 5 of my latest poems...
    I will be updating my poems shortly

    18 years ago
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  • This is the last tear I cry
    The last kiss
    The last goodbye

    18 years ago
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