A mysterious curve...
Lightening up your face...
Dim silhouettes pop off my mind
Each one representing you, My Love...
Centuries pass away, a mystery prevails
Hidden behind the smile, angst and travails...
Ceaselessly guarding your respect and esteem
I wait for endless chances to serve you...
Sometimes I wonder, if I could just
Fill up my heart, with love, till the brink...
That episode still flashes in mind
When you first showed me your face...
(This poem has been written from the viewpoint of...
A couple of decades ago...
I stayed in my mother's womb
I came on earth and knew nothing...
A seven letter word that a person craves for
Full of mixture but yet so pure...
The game called life is always bizzare
Where either you are a pauper or a czar...
I saw you leaving on your way, just like I always...
Your face kept looking so fresh, just like the...
The highway was quiet, the road was rough
With no noise around and no chaotic stuff...