Quotes by burningtears

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  • "love is giving someone the ability to crush you and trusting them not to."

    -written by a friend

    20 years ago
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  • "friend of mine, stay alive, don't you leave me here, all alone in this world with a chronic tear, i will always be here, i will always be here, i will always be here for you"

    -by eve 6 but it fits...

    dedicated to shannon

    20 years ago
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  • I feel like i'm losing everything i've ever known.
    this is what happens when secret emotions are shown.

    20 years ago
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  • You told me you hated life
    you told me you wanted to die
    you told me no one cared
    you told me no one was there
    you told me all these things
    you told me your feelings
    you told me everything

    i let you down

    20 years ago
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  • When you told me those things
    i wished i had wings
    so i could go to you, so i could fly
    and be there while you cry
    when you told me those things
    i had the worst feelings
    i have ever experienced in my life
    and again i turned to the knife

    20 years ago
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  • He spoke to me of things he shouldn't have known
    he spoke to me about stuff only you knew
    you betrayed everything i ever told you
    you betrayed every ounce of trust
    it hurt so deep, it hurt so bad
    having to relive everything...

    20 years ago
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  • Tears flood your eyes
    no more can you lie
    you begin to cry
    and i see you just want to die

    and it breaks my heart
    to see you fall apart
    i know there is nothing more i can do
    to help you through

    i feel like loving you isnt enough...

    19 years ago
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  • When she was sad she never cried, just slit her wrists and hoped to die
    she made herself feel, so she would know it was real
    she wants more than anything to be dead, because those things were said

    19 years ago
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  • The tears fill my eyes and
    i feel the lines in my arm
    the checkerboard shape
    it's carved there
    i run my finger over the cuts
    and wonder why
    why i don't have the courage
    to end this

    19 years ago
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  • I sit on the cool floor
    in my dimly lit room
    cutting until i can take no more
    until on my arm there is no room

    19 years ago
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